Auto publish anywhere via Zapier

How does the Zapier integration work?
Zapier can connect to your Journalist AI account and pull the latest articles in to publish to your website via an Zapier Action

Copy the Key

Create a Zapier Trigger

Create a Zapier Action
Made for Business Owners
Journalist AI is a hands-off solution so you can focus on what matters - your business.
Setup in 5 minutes
Our AI has been specifically designed for owners who don't have time to write articles. Minimum overhead, maximum results.
Automated 24/7
The platform can craft articles every single day and it works tirelessly to get you more clients. It won't stop bringing you traffic unless you tell it to.
Premium Copy-Writing
More affordable and efficient than a traditional copy-writer. We bring you the best of AI right to your Zapier site, in a simple way that you can understand.
Share your Account
Want to share your account with your team or assistants? Enable limited-access accounts to manage the platform for you.
Using another blog platform?
Check out our other native integrations for connecting Journalist to your website.
Automate your Blog today
Get your samples and start generating articles for your business.

No card required
Articles in 30 secs
Plagiarism Free