Collect visitors emails with custom Lead Magnet Widgets
Capture, nurture, and monetize traffic with custom embeddable lead magnets.

Join 25,260+ business owners

Embed custom tools into your site
Provide value to your visitors, while simultaneously capturing their emails, which you can then nurture and re-target.

Create a Magnet
Use our simple interface to design a magnet tailored to your audience. -
Embed It Anywhere
Copy a small snippet of code and paste it into your site. -
Capture Leads
Start collecting your visitor's emails.
What are Lead Magnets?
Lead Magnets are interactive widgets that turn passive
blog posts into dynamic tools. Whether it's a car financing
calculator or a stock investment advisor, these widgets
make your content more engaging while capturing your
visitor's emails. With just a line of code, you can:
Provide extra value to your audience
Grow your email list
Keep visitors engaged for longer
Stand out from the crowd with exclusive tools

Why use Lead Magnets?

Customizable Widgets
Create calculators, advisors, and tools for your niche.

Increased Engagement
Keep readers on your site longer with interactive features.

Capture Emails
Build your mailing list effortlessly:

No Coding Required
Perfect for beginners and experts alike.

Seamless Integration
Works with any website or blog platform.
Use Cases

Quote Calculator
Customers instantly get an estimated quote for your products or services.

Travel Budget Planning
Embed a widget comparing airline tickets for budget planners.

Mortgage Calculator
Easily estimate monthly mortgage payments.

Health & Fitness Planning
Offer your own customized BMI calculators or meal planning widgets.

Product Recommendation
Add product recommendations to your blog to boost e-commerce sales.

Loan Calculator
Quickly calculate payments for personal, auto, or business loans.
Use Cases
Finance Blogs
Create calculators, advisors, and tools for your niche.
Health & Fitness
Offer BMI calculators or meal planning widgets.
E-commerce Sites
Add product recommendation tools.
Travel Bloggers
Embed trip budget planners.
Automate your Blog today
Get your samples and start generating articles for your business.

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Articles in 30 secs
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