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Fintech Startup SEO Growth: 150 to 1200 clicks per month

Jan 19, 2024

Rauva is a fintech company operating out of Lisbon, Portugal.

They started producing AI content for their blog in October, so far, here's their growth curve:

SEO growth for Portuguese-based fintech startup Rauva using Journalist AI
Rauva.com SEO Growth Rate (2024) - Google Search Console

One interesting thing about Rauva is they wanted to target international markets in their SEO strategy, in specific, the Portuguese market.

This was the perfect case for Journalist AI, since it's able to produce content in over 150 different languages, Portuguese included!

Before we dive into their SEO strategy with AI, here's a diagram going over the entire content marketing workflow Journalist AI automates:

how Journalist AI works and it's automation capabilities diagram
Journalist AI Automated Content Marketing System

Leveraging Journalist AI for Automation

By leveraging Journalist AI, Rauva could increase their content output rate. This level of automation allowed them to save time and money regarding their content marketing efforts.

Rauva's SEO team got straight to work, here's their process:

  1. Keyword Research (fully automated with Journalist AI - here's how)
  2. CMS Integration (Journalist AI integrates with Wordpress, Wix, Blogger, Webflow, Ghost, and others, however, Rauva wanted to integrate with their own custom CMS, so they used our API)
  3. Content Generation (based on the prior Keyword Research)
  4. Content Publishing (a mix of manual and automated publishing via the autoblogging feature)
  5. Syndication to Social Media (Rauva has yet to make use of the "blog post to social media automation" feature; this would increase their exposure)

With that, here's their traffic performance and number of ranking keywords (all international).

International SEO Strategy Leveraging Journalist AI
Rauva's International SEO Strategy Statistics Leveraging Journalist AI

The beauty of AI is that it allows businesses to save time. In this case, by leveraging Journalits AI, Rauva is able to put automated systems in place that completely take care of their content marketing efforts on search engines.

This SEO strategy focused on targeting country-specific keywords.

Because Rauva is a fintech company, a lot of the "buyer intent keywords" they wanted to rank for, were somewhat technical - this wasn't an issue for Journalist AI.

From finding the right keywords to produce content for, to generating "SEO-optimized" content that is based on those keywords, to finally automatically have it posted to their site, and eventually syndicated to their social media - all of this completely automated.

Their fast growth rate can also be attributed to the fact that they're targeting less competitive (international markets).

The video below is a breakdown on

Rauva's AI SEO Case Study Breakdown

"Should I Use AI for My Business?"

The short answer is, Yes.

The long version is: if you don't do it, your competitors will.

The reality is that AI has come to stay, and the ones that don't leverage this amazing technology and tools built on top of it, will be left behind.

People who leverage AI writing tools can skip ahead of the line. They can automate their content generation, publishing and syndication.

Not only that, but they don't spend resources on time-consuming tasks such as keyword research, internal/external link building, sourcing of in-article images and videos, and other tasks that AI helps automate.

If you don't leverage AI you'll climb the steps on the image below one by one, if you're leveraging AI, you'll still climb them one by one, however, you'll start closer to the top:

why you should use AI to create content for your blog
Leveraging AI for SEO Blog Content Analogy

This is just one of our result-backed case studies. Click here to read the $10k/mo AI SEO Case Study.

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