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Automatically Bold Important Keywords In Your Articles (with AI)

11 months ago 8 mins read
Vasco Monteiro
Vasco Monteiro

Journalist is an AI software that assists users in generating articles with relevant and important keywords. By using preset modes, users can enable the software to bold out the important keywords in the generated article. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Journalist AI to build articles with important keywords.

To begin, users must go to the "Generate Articles" tab and click on "Preset Mode". If a preset has not been created yet, users can click on "Create Preset" to set up the generation mode, business description, specific titles, keyword-based content, language, creativity levels, ton of voice, structure, internal linking, and images. In the formatting tab, users can enable the bold keywords to bold out the important keywords in the generated article. Once the preset is created, users can select it in the preset mode and click on "Generate Articles" to generate an article with the important keywords bolded out.

Key Takeaways

  • Journalist is an AI software that helps users generate articles with important keywords.

  • Users can create presets and enable bold keywords in the formatting tab to bold out the important keywords in the generated article.

  • By following the step-by-step guide, users can easily use Journalist to build articles with important keywords.

Generating Articles

To build important words in articles using Journalist AI, the user must first go to the "Generate Articles" tab and click on "Preset Mode." If the user has not yet created a preset, they can do so by clicking on "Create Preset." In the formatting tab, the user should enable the "Bolded Keywords" option.

To create a preset, the user must set up the generation mode, business description, specific titles, keywords, content language, creativity levels, tone of voice, and structure. The user can also choose whether or not to include autogenerated headings, internal linking, and images.

Once the preset is created and the formatting option is enabled, the user can generate articles by clicking on "Generate Articles" and selecting the preset in preset mode. The AI software will then generate an article based on the preset and bold out the important keywords according to the context.

Using Journalist AI, users can easily build articles with relevant and important keywords to improve their SEO and increase their readership.

Creating a Preset

To build important words in articles using Journalist AI, one can create a preset. The following steps can be taken to create a preset:

  1. Go to the "Generate Articles" tab and click on "Preset Mode".

  2. If there is no preset created, click on "Create Preset".

  3. In the formatting tab, enable "Bold Keywords".

  4. Set up the generation mode, business description, specific titles, keyword-based content, language, creativity levels, tone of voice, structure, internal linking, and images as desired.

  5. Click on "Generate Articles" and then select the preset created.

  6. Click on "Generate" to generate the article.

The generated article will have important keywords bolded out according to the context. This can be useful in creating articles about specific topics, such as building rockets.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how Journalist's AI Presets work:

Working with Journalist's AI Presets

Formatting and Enabling Keywords

In order to build important words in an article using Journalist AI, the user must go to the "Generate Articles" tab and click on preset mode. If a preset has not been created, the user can click on "Create Preset" and skip the irrelevant tabs. In the formatting tab, the user can simply click on "Enable Bolded Keywords" to bold out important keywords. Once the preset has been created with the appropriate generation mode, business description, specific titles, keyword-based content, language, creativity levels, structure, and internal and external linking, the user can click on "Generate Articles" and select the preset. The article generated will have the important keywords bolded out, making it easier for the reader to identify the main topics of the article.

Setting up the Preset

To build important words in articles using the AI software "Journalist AI" users need to set up a preset. First, they must navigate to the "Generate Articles" tab and select "Preset Mode." If a preset has not yet been created, users can click on "Create Preset." In the formatting tab, users should enable the "Bolded Keywords" option.

To create a preset, users must set up the generation mode, business description, specific titles, keywords, content, language, creativity levels, tone of voice, and structure. They can also choose whether or not to include autogenerated headings, internal linking, and images.

Once the preset is created, users can select it in Preset Mode and click on "Generate Articles." The AI software will generate an article based on the preset, with important keywords bolded out.

In the case of building a rocket, users can set their preset to include relevant and main keywords such as "rocket building," "launching objects into space," and more. By bolding out these important keywords, the resulting article will be optimized for search engines and provide clear and concise information on the topic.

Generating the Article with Preset

To build an article with important keywords, users can utilize the preset mode in Journalist AI. The software provides the option to create a preset or edit an existing one. To enable bolding of important keywords, users can simply click on the "Enable Bolded Keywords" option in the formatting tab of the preset.

To generate an article, users can select the preset they have created or edited and click on the "Generate Articles" button. The software will generate an article based on the preset, with important keywords bolded out according to the context.

For example, if the preset is set to create an article about rocket building, the software will generate an article with important keywords related to rocket building bolded out. Users can also customize the language, creativity levels, structure, and other aspects of the article through the preset.

Overall, Journalist's preset mode provides a convenient and efficient way for users to generate articles with important keywords and customized settings.

Keyword Highlighting

To ensure that important keywords are highlighted in the article, users can utilize the preset mode in the "Journalist AI" software. By enabling the "Bolded keywords" option in the formatting tab, the software will bold out the relevant and main keywords for the topic being discussed.

To create a preset, users must first set up the generation mode, business description, specific titles, keyword-based content, language, creativity levels, structure, internal and external linking, and image options. Once these are set up, users can create a preset and enable the "Bolded keywords" option in the formatting tab.

When generating an article using the preset mode and selecting the preset with the "Bolded keywords" option enabled, the software will bold out the important keywords according to the context of the article. This ensures that the article is optimized for search engines and easy to read for the audience.

Overall, utilizing the "Bolded keywords" option in the preset mode of the "Journalist AI" software is an effective way to ensure that important keywords are highlighted in the article.


In summary, building a rocket requires careful consideration of important keywords to ensure that the article is relevant and informative. With the use of Journalist's preset mode, users can easily enable the bolding of these keywords in their generated articles. By following the steps outlined in the formatting tab, users can create a preset that includes the necessary settings for keyword-based content. The generated article will then include the bolded keywords, making it easier for readers to identify the main points of the article. Overall, Journalist AI provides a powerful tool for creating informative and engaging articles, with the ability to customize settings to suit individual needs.

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